Materials and Structures 229 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 33 , N° 229 Année: 2000 |
Editorial Author(s): S. Mindess |
Pages: 282 - 282 |
Residual compressive strength and microstructure of high performance concrete after exposure to high temperature Author(s): X. Luo, W. Sun, Y. N. Chan |
Pages: 294 - 298 |
Finite element evaluation of the boundary conditions for biaxial testing of high strength concrete Author(s): A. Hussein, H. Marzouk |
Pages: 299 - 308 |
The effect of specimen size on the fracture energy and softening function of concrete Author(s): X. H. Guo, R. I. Gilbert |
Pages: 309 - 316 |
Application of factorial models to predict the effect of anti-washout admixture, superplasticizer and cement on slump, flow time and washout resistance of underwater concrete Author(s): M. Sonebi, A. K. Tamimi, P. J. M. Bartos |
Pages: 317 - 323 |
Mixed recycling with emulsion and cement of asphalt pavements. Design procedure and improvements achieved Author(s): R. Miró Recasens, F. E. Pérez, S. Castillo |
Pages: 324 - 330 |
Changes in the permeability to gas of calcareous stone core samples exposed to salt spray Author(s): J.-M. Birgine, F. Auger, T. Rivas Brea |
Pages: 331 - 337 |
Utility of statistical models in proportioning self-consolidating concrete Author(s): K. H. Khayat, A. Ghezal, M. S. Hadriche |
Pages: 338 - 344 |