Materials and Structures 230 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 33 , N° 230 Année: 2000 |
Editorial Author(s): F. Wittmann |
Pages: 346 - 346 |
Fictitious degree of hydration method for the basic creep of early age concrete Author(s): G. De Schutter, L. Taerwe |
Pages: 370 - 380 |
Consequence of cement constituents, mix composition and curing conditions for self-desiccation in concrete Author(s): B. Persson |
Pages: 352 - 362 |
Testing and performance of fiber-reinforced, self-consolidating concrete Author(s): K. H. Khayat, Y. Roussel |
Pages: 391 - 397 |
Round-Robin analysis of over-reinforced concrete beams - Comparison of results Author(s): J. van Mier, J. P. Ulfkjær |
Pages: 381 - 390 |
Slump improvement mechanism of alkalies in PNS superplasticized cement pastes Author(s): B.-G. Kim, S. Jiang, P.-C. Aïtcin |
Pages: 363 - 369 |
Study on high performance roller compacted concrete Author(s): A. C. Bettencourt Ribeiro, I. R. de Almeida |
Pages: 398 - 402 |
Utilisation de l'absorption d'eau des bétons comme critères de leur durabilité - Application aux bétons de granulats recyclés Author(s): E. Wirquin, R. Hadjieva-Zaharieva, F. Buyle-Bodin |
Pages: 403 - 408 |