Materials and Structures 231 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 33 , N° 231 Année: 2000 |
Editorial Author(s): H.-W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 410 - 410 |
Stress-strain curve for the design of high-strength concrete elements Author(s): I. Shehata, L. Shehata, T. S. Mattos |
Pages: 411 - 418 |
Effect of fine particles on some characteristics of granular base courses Author(s): B. Babic, A. Prager, T. Rukavina |
Pages: 419 - 424 |
Developing unified rheological curves for polymer-modified asphalts - Part I. Theoretical analysis Author(s): A. Shenoy |
Pages: 425 - 429 |
Developing unified rheological curves for polymer-modified asphalts - Part II. Experimental verification Author(s): A. Shenoy |
Pages: 430 - 437 |
Bitumens modified with recycled polymers Author(s): M. Murphy, M. O'Mahony, C. Lycett, I. Jamieson |
Pages: 438 - 444 |
Fracture of parallel strand lumber (PSL) under impact loading Author(s): P. Sukontasukkul, F. Lam, S. Mindess |
Pages: 445 - 449 |
Pull-out tests of steel-encased specimens subjected to reversed cycling loading Author(s): K. Lundgren |
Pages: 450 - 456 |
A comparison between bending and diametral fatigue tests for bituminous materials Author(s): H. A. Khalid |
Pages: 457 - 465 |
Variation des facteurs d'efficacité caractérisant les additions minérales Author(s): M. Cyr, P. Lawrence, E. Ringot, A. Carles-Gibergues |
Pages: 466 - 472 |