Materials and Structures 232 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 33 , N° 232 Année: 2000 |
Editorial Author(s): J. Kropp |
Pages: 474 - 474 |
La méthode du mortier de béton équivalent (MBE) - Un nouvel outil d'aide à la formulation des bétons adjuvantés Author(s): A. Schwartzentruber, C. Catherine |
Pages: 475 - 482 |
Development of the stiffness damage test (SDT) for characterisation of thermally loaded concrete Author(s): J. S. Guo, P. Waldron |
Pages: 483 - 491 |
Measuring the membrane potential across cement-based materials Author(s): J.-Z. Zhang, N. R. Buenfeld |
Pages: 492 - 498 |
Experimental response of top and seat angle semi-rigid steel frame connections Author(s): L. Calado, G. De Matteis, R. Landolfo |
Pages: 499 - 510 |
Initial and final setting time of concrete in hot weather Author(s): B. H. Ahmadi |
Pages: 511 - 514 |
Parameters related to fiber length and processing in cementitious composites Author(s): Y. Akkaya, A. Peled, S. P. Shah |
Pages: 515 - 524 |
Fibre reinforced gypsum binder composite, its microstructure and durability Author(s): M. Singh, M. Garg |
Pages: 525 - 528 |
Rhéologie des murs en blocs de terre comprimée en compression uniaxiale : étude et modélisation Author(s): K. Zine-Dine, H. Bouabid, M. El Kortbi, S. Charif-d'Ouazzane, A. Hakimi, A. El Hammoumi, O. Fassi-Fehri |
Pages: 529 - 536 |