Activity of RILEM TC 182-PEB TG1 "binders": 2nd RILEM round robin test on binder rheology
Title: Activity of RILEM TC 182-PEB TG1 "binders": 2nd RILEM round robin test on binder rheology
Author(s): D. Sybilski, A. Vanelstraete
Paper category : conference
Book title: Sixth International RILEM Symposium on Performance Testing and Evaluation of Bituminous Materials
Editor(s): M. N. Partl
Print-ISBN: 2-912143-35-7
e-ISBN: 2912143772
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2003
Pages: 3 - 14
Total Pages: 12
Nb references: 4
Language: English
Abstract: RILEM Technical Committee TC 182 PEB Task Group TG1 "Binders" continues the activity of TC operating continuously in previous TCs, and particularly the last TC 152 PBM. In 1998 TG1 initiated the 2nd Round Robin test on binder rheology. This task became the main activity of TG1. The objective of this round robin test was to compare the results of dynamic rheometer (DSR or equivalent) and bending beam rheometer (BBR) measurements of different laboratories and on different binders. The aim of the test was to determine the repeatability and reproducibility of the test methods, and to give recommendations for improvements in order to come to reliable standard testing methods. Four binders of significantly various rheological characteristics were used in the test: straight run bitumen, SBS low- and high-modified binders and EVA-modified binder. Binders were tested in three stages: original (unaged), and RTFOT or RTFOT+PAV aged. The test programme and scope was established by the TG1. The Belgian Road Research Centre was in charge of the preparation and co-ordination of the programme. Analysis and elaboration of the test results were executed by Dariusz Sybilski and Ann Vanelstraete in co-operation with the TG1 members.Deliverables of the RR test are several papers published as well as recommendations for CEN TC 336 and prepared for publication in RILEM Materials & Structures.
Online publication: 2003-03-02
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/2912143772.001
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