Prof. Dr. Geert De Schutter, 2001 Robert L'Hermite Medallist
Title: Prof. Dr. Geert De Schutter, 2001 Robert L'Hermite Medallist
Author(s): RILEM
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 34
Issue: 241
Issue date: 2001-08-01
Publication year: 2001
Pages: 447 - 447
Total Pages: 1
Language: English
Abstract: The Jury for the 2001 Robert L'Hermite Medal was composed of Prof.
JoséManuel Gálligo Estevez (Chairman of the RILEM Technical Advisory Committee), Prof.
Jörg Kropp (Chairman of the RILEM Co-ordinating Committee)and Dr.
Roberto Torrent (Member-at-Large elected by the General Council).
The jury convened on April 3,2001 to examine the list of authors who met the criteria for the award:being under 40 years of age in 2000,and having either been published in Materials and Structures during 2000 or been nominated by a RILEM National Delegate for his/her outstanding publications during the previous year.
The author selected was Prof.
Geert de Schutter,from the University of Ghent (Belgium),in recognition of his comprehensive and encompassing research work on the behaviour of concrete at early age.
Based on a degree of hydration model with the temperature history as controlling parameter,mechanical properties and deformation characteristics are analysed.
This systematic work is continuously extended into a wider research area dealing with the emerging problem of crack formation and their importance (on the durability of massive structures).
de Schutter has not only communicated his research work in numerous publications but is also an active member in national and international committees, e.
RILEM TC 181-EAS chaired by A.
De Schutter has been carrying out research on early age concrete since September 1991 and focused more specifically on the early age thermal cracking due to the heat of hydration in hardening massive concrete elements with his doctoral thesis ‘Fundamental and practical study of thermal stresses in hardening massive concrete elements ’supervised by Prof.
Since 1997 his research has been reoriented towards the durability of massive concrete structures in marine environment,taking into account early age thermal cracking.
The award will be presented to Prof.
De Schutter on September 11,2001 during the RILEM Week in Stuttgart.
At that time,Prof.
De Schutter will present a lecture on ‘Fundamental study of early age concrete behaviour as a basis for durable concrete structures ’,which will be published in Materials and Structures at the end of 2001.
Online publication: 2001-06-27
Classification: RILEM Bulletin
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): free
doi: 10.1617/13771
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