RILEM TC 160-MLN 'Methodology for life prediction of concrete structures in nuclear power plants' Probabilistic methods for assessing current and future performance of concrete structures in nuclear power plants
Title: RILEM TC 160-MLN 'Methodology for life prediction of concrete structures in nuclear power plants'
Probabilistic methods for assessing current and future performance of concrete structures in nuclear power plants
Author(s): RILEM TC 160-MLN, M. Ciampoli, B. R. Ellingwood
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 35
Issue: 245
Issue date: 2002-01-01
Publication year: 2002
Pages: 3 - 14
Total Pages: 12
Nb references: 33
Language: English
Abstract: Concrete safety-related structures and components in nuclear plants may be exposed to aggressive service and environmental affects that may cause their strength and stiffness to deteriorate over an extended period of service.
A performance assessment of an existing structure subject to deterioration requires a consideration of likely degradation mechanisms,a framework for managing the inevitable uncertainties in operating or environmental loads,capacities,and nondestructive evaluation technologies,and tools for determining whether the observed degradation impacts the remaining service life or safety margin of the plant to any significant degree.
Research is in progress to support the development of condition assessment tools and guidelines using modern structural reliability analysis methods.
Online publication: 2001-11-27
Classification: RILEM Technical Committees
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/13816
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