Materials and Structures 250 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 35 , N° 250 Année: 2002 |
Tension of reinforced concrete prisms. Bond properties of reinforcement bars embedded in concrete tie elements.
Summary of a RILEM round-robin investigation arranged by TC 147-FMB 'Fracture Mechanics to Anchorage and Bond' Author(s): RILEM TC 147-FMB, L. Elfgren, K. Noghabai |
Pages: 318 - 325 |
Stress-strain behavior of concrete columns confined with hybrid composite materials Author(s): H. Toutanji, M. Saafi |
Pages: 338 - 347 |
Explanation of size effect in concrete fracture using non-uniform energy distribution Author(s): K. Duan, X. Z. Hu, F. H. Wittmann |
Pages: 326 - 331 |
Experimental design to optimize high-volume of fly ash grout in the presence of welan gum and superplasticizer Author(s): M. Sonebi |
Pages: 373 - 380 |
Cyclic behavior of HPFRC-repaired reinforced concrete interior beam-column joints Author(s): M. J. Shannag, S. Barakat, M. Abdul-Kareem |
Pages: 348 - 356 |
Evaluation of fibre optic sensors for structural condition monitoring Author(s): B. Zhang, B. Benmokrane, J.-F. Nicole, R. Masmoudi |
Pages: 357 - 364 |
Behavior of fiber reinforced concrete-filled tubular columns in compression Author(s): G. Campione, L. La Mendola, L. Sanpaolesi, N. Scibilia, G. Zingone |
Pages: 332 - 337 |
Utilisation des mâchefers d'incinérateur d'ordures ménagères dans la fabrication de pavés en béton Author(s): L. Courard, R. Degeimbre, A. Darimont, A.-L. Laval, L. Dupont, L. Bertrand |
Pages: 365 - 372 |