Prestressed bridge elements
Title: Prestressed bridge elements
Author(s): F. Capilla, R. Gettu, G. Ramos
Paper category : conference
Book title: International RILEM Workshop on Test and Design Methods for Steelfibre Reinforced Concrete
Editor(s): B. Schnütgen and L. Vandewalle
Print-ISBN: 2-912143-38-1
e-ISBN: 2351580168
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2003
Pages: 189 - 199
Total Pages: 11
Language: English
Abstract: This paper is a summary of the work performed within a European Brite 5th Framework Programme project "Test and Design methods for SFRC". This project was developed during three years by a consortium of universities, a manufacturer of fibres, a fabricator of thin walled panels and two general contractors. The project was divided into different tasks and the objective of this paper is to explain the results of one of the final tasks, orientated towards the application of the conclusions of the previous phases of the project. The partners that performed the work were the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and FCC Construcción, S.A.
Online publication: 2003-02-15
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/2351580168.013
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