Message from Dr. Carmen Andrade, RILEM President 2000-2003
Title: Message from Dr. Carmen Andrade, RILEM President 2000-2003
Author(s): C. Andrade
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 36
Issue: 264
Issue date: 2003-12-01
Publication year: 2003
Pages: 709 - 709
Total Pages: 1
Language: English
Abstract: This letter is to be published when I have passed the Presidency responsibilities to Å.
Skarendahl, our new President.
It is time for me to express my thanks for all the contributions and collaborations to RILEM development during the past three years and to review some items that challenge our future.
Three priority aspects were mentioned in my first open letter to RILEM Members written in January 2001 (see Editorial Materials and Structures, Vol.
34, No.
235): a) membership value, b) management of technical work and c) transparency of RILEM decision bodies, and additionally to improve RILEM publications and increase the links with standardization bodies.
I invite you to continue the efforts and maintain and enlarge RILEM.
The fact that our speciality is unique among the related International Associations gives us the responsibility to be the bridge between the generation of new knowledge and the practice in Construction Materials and Structures.
Online publication: 2003-10-27
Classification: RILEM Bulletin
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): free
doi: 10.1617/14136
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