Materials and Structures 273 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 37 , N° 273 Année: 2004 |
A compact analytical material model for unconfined concrete under uni-axial compression Author(s): P. Kumar |
Pages: 585 - 590 |
Strength design guidelines for fastenings in concrete - Revisited Author(s): V. I. Yagust, D. Z. Yankelevsky |
Pages: 570 - 574 |
Recommendations of RILEM TC-154-EMC: "Electrochemical techniques for measuring metallic corrosion"
Test methods for on-site corrosion rate measurement of steel reinforcement in concrete by means of the polarization resistance method Author(s): RILEM TC-154-EMC, C. Andrade, C. ALONSO, J. Gulikers, R. B. Polder, R. Cigna, Ø. Vennesland, M. Salta |
Pages: 623 - 643 |
Fire resistance of self-compacting concrete, SCC Author(s): B. Persson |
Pages: 575 - 584 |
Hygrothermal properties of glass fiber reinforced cements subjected to elevated temperature Author(s): R. Cerný, J. Podebradská, M. Totová, J. Toman, J. Drchalová, P. Rovnaníková, P. Bayer |
Pages: 597 - 607 |
Variation of chloride profiles in homogeneous areas Author(s): P. Goltermann |
Pages: 608 - 614 |
A model for non-Fickian moisture transfer in wood Author(s): K. Krabbenhoft, L. Damkilde |
Pages: 615 - 622 |
Evaluation of water absorption of concrete as a measure for resistance against carbonation and chloride migration Author(s): G. De Schutter, K. Audenaert |
Pages: 591 - 596 |
Recommendations of RILEM TC 167-COM: Characterization of old mortars
Characterisation and damage analysis of old mortars Author(s): RILEM TC 167-COM, R. P. J. Van Hees, L. Binda, I. Papayianni, E. Toumbakari |
Pages: 644 - 648 |
Discussion of the paper 'Use of recycled materials in constructions' by Ch.F.Hendricks and G.M.T.Janssen, Mater. Struct., Vol.36, November 2003 Author(s): A. Leshchinsky |
Pages: 664 - 664 |
Application of nanotechnology in construction. Summary of a state-of-the-art report Author(s): RILEM TC 197-NCM, W. Zhu, P. J. M. Bartos, A. Porro |
Pages: 649 - 658 |
Summary report on CSNI/RILEM Workshop on use and performance of concrete in NPP fuel-cycle facilities Author(s): D. J. Naus, C. Andrade, E. Mathet, L. Smith |
Pages: 659 - 662 |