Final Recommendation of RILEM TC 176-IDC 'Internal Damage of Concrete due to frost action' Test methods of frost resistance of concrete: Slab test: Freeze/thaw resistance of concrete - Internal deterioration
Title: Final Recommendation of RILEM TC 176-IDC 'Internal Damage of Concrete due to frost action'
Test methods of frost resistance of concrete: Slab test: Freeze/thaw resistance of concrete - Internal deterioration
Author(s): RILEM TC 176-IDC, L. Tang, P.-E. Petersson
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 37
Issue: 274
Issue date: 2004-12-01
Publication year: 2004
Pages: 754 - 759
Total Pages: 6
Language: English
Abstract: This method is used for determining the resistance of concrete to internal deterioration when subjected to repeated freezing-and-thawing.
0% NaCl solution is used as a freezing medium for concrete in an environment with de-icing salt, and demineralised water is used as a freezing medium for concrete in an environment without de-icing salt.
Online publication: 2004-10-17
Classification: RILEM Technical Committees
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/14146
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