Alkali-silica reactivity criteria for concrete aggregates
Title: Alkali-silica reactivity criteria for concrete aggregates
Author(s): M. Berra, T. Mangialardi, A.E. Paolini
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 38
Issue: 277
Issue date: 2005-04-01
Publication year: 2005
Pages: 373 - 380
Total Pages: 8
Nb references: 22
Language: English
Abstract: In order to develop a better understanding of the relationship between 90-day salt ponding test and accelerated chloride migration test (ACMT; the electrochemical technique is applied to accelerate chloride ion migration), the transport properties for concrete obtained from ACMT are compared to the diffusion coefficient from ponding test.
The plain cement concrete, fly ash concrete, and slag concrete with different w/b ratios (0.
35, 0.
45, 0.
55, and 0.
65) were used.
In this study, the total chloride content and penetration depth of concretes were measured after the ponding test, and the Fick’s second law of diffusion was fitted to the data from experiment to determine the diffusion coefficient.
The non-steady-state diffusion coefficient, the migration coefficient, and the current corresponding to the 30000 coulomb charge passed obtained from ACMT in the previous works were compared with the diffusion coefficients obtained from ponding test.
Parallel tests show that the diffusion coefficients obtained from ponding test correspond well with the non-steady-state diffusion coefficient, the migration coefficient, and the current corresponding to the 30000 coulomb charge passed obtained from ACMT, although the diffusion coefficient measured by ponding test is different from that measured by the ACMT in non-steady state and steady state.
Online publication: 2005-01-21
Classification: Scientific Reports
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/14144
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