

Bending moment and axial force interacting on solid timber beams

Title: Bending moment and axial force interacting on solid timber beams
Author(s): R. Steiger, M. Fontana
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 38
Issue: 279
Issue date: 2005-06-01
Publication year: 2005
Pages: 507 - 513
Total Pages: 7
Nb references: 17
Language: English

Abstract: This paper describes the results of bending moment (M) and axial force (N) interaction tests on 220 solid spruce specimens with cross-section 80 x 160 mm.
Depending on the timber strength, existing design models for M/N-interaction are fitted to the test results and different analytical approaches for the magnification or reduction of the initial moment due to beam deflections are evaluated.
Interaction graphs of timber columns subjected to simultaneous action of bending moment and axial force exhibit convex curvilinearity viewed from the basis of the diagram.
The degree of convexity depends on the slenderness of the column and on the strength of the timber.
In the case of stocky columns subjected to high bending moments and small axial forces, the highest deviation from linearity can be observed.
Design models published in standards and in literature describe the non-linearity of the interaction curve on the basis of an elastic stress-strain relationship in the tension portion of the cross-section and by a non-linear, 'plastic' behaviour of the compression zone.
Majority of former tests were performed on timber beams with small cross-section.
For the case of interaction of bending and tension stress, only a limited number of results are available, because of the difficulty to apply high tension forces.

Online publication: 2005-03-09
Classification: Scientific Reports
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/14312

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