Materials and Structures 282 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 38 , N° 282 Année: 2005 |
Stress growth coefficient in polymer modified asphalt Author(s): C. Wekumbura, J. Stastna, L. Zanzotto |
Pages: 755 - 760 |
The effect of elevated initial temperatures on durability index values of plain and corex slag concretes Author(s): K. Stanish, M.G. Alexander, J. Kellerman |
Pages: 747 - 753 |
BEM analysis of Biot’s model for dynamic compaction of concrete in successive placement Author(s): M. Ohtsu, F. Kunisue, K. Nogami |
Pages: 739 - 745 |
Comparison of ultrasonic wave transmission and reflection measurements with P- and S-waves on early age mortar and concrete Author(s): T. Voigt, C. Grosse, Z. Sun, S. P. Shah, H. W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 729 - 738 |
Investigative methods for the characterisation of historic mortars. Part 1: Mineralogical characterisation Author(s): RILEM TC 167-COM, B. Middendorf, J. J. Hughes, K. Callebaut, G. Baronio, I. Papayianni |
Pages: 761 - 769 |
Investigative methods for the characterisation of historic mortars. Part 2: Chemical characterisation Author(s): RILEM TC 167-COM, B. Middendorf, J. J. Hughes, K. Callebaut, G. Baronio, I. Papayianni |
Pages: 771 - 780 |
RILEM TC 167-COM: Characterisation of old mortars with respect to their repair
Introduction to requirements for and functions and properties of repair mortars Author(s): RILEM TC 167-COM, K. Van Balen, I. Papayianni, R. P. J. Van Hees, L. Binda, A. Waldum |
Pages: 781 - 785 |
RILEM TC 191-ARP 'Alkali-reactivity and prevention - Assessment, specification and diagnosis of alkali-reactivity'
AAR-5: Rapid preliminary screening test for carbonate aggregates Author(s): RILEM TC 191-ARP, H. Sommer, P. Nixon, I. Sims |
Pages: 787 - 792 |