Materials and Structures 284 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 38 , N° 284 Année: 2005 |
Performance of hybrid rebars as longitudinal reinforcement in normal strength concrete Author(s): B. Saikia, J. Thomas, A. Ramaswamy, K. S. Nanjunda Rao |
Pages: 857 - 864 |
Natural frequency evaluation of a cracked RC beam with or without composite strengthening for a damage assessment Author(s): M. Massenzio, E. Jacquelin, P.A. Ovigne |
Pages: 865 - 873 |
Cleaning of concrete fouled by lichens with the aid of Thiobacilli Author(s): B. De Graef, W. De Windt, J. Dick, W. Verstraete, N. De Belie |
Pages: 875 - 882 |
RILEM TC 183-MIB: 'Microbial impacts on building materials - Weathering and conservation'
Techniques applied to the study of microbial impact on building materials Author(s): RILEM TC 183-MIB, R. G. Welton, M. Ribas Silva, C. Gaylarde, L. K. Herrera, X. Anleo, N. De Belie, S. Modrý |
Pages: 883 - 893 |
Recommendation of RILEM TC-HTC 'Mechanical concrete properties at high temperature - Modelling and applications'
Part 10: Restraint stress Author(s): RILEM TC 200-HTC |
Pages: 913 - 919 |
Recommendation of RILEM TC 189-NEC "Non-destructive evaluation of the concrete cover": Comparative test
- Part I: Comparative test of 'penetrability' methods Author(s): RILEM TC 189-NEC, M. Romer |
Pages: 895 - 906 |
Erratum in Mater. Struct. 37 (272) (2004) 522-531, doi:10.1617/13968 Author(s): P.F. de J. Cano-Barrita, B. J. Balcom, T. W. Bremner, M. B. MacMillan, W. S. Langley |
Pages: 920 - 920 |
Recommendation of RILEM TC 189-NEC "Non-destructive evaluation of the concrete cover": Comparative test
- Part II: Comparative test of "Covermeters" Author(s): RILEM TC 189-NEC, L. Fernández Luco |
Pages: 907 - 911 |