Concrete Science and Engineering 1 : Concrete Science and Engineering
ISSN: 1295-2826 Issue: Volume 1 , N° 1 Année: 1999 |
Editorial Author(s): S.P. Shah |
Pages: 1 - 1 |
Strains and pressures induced by freezing mortars exposed in sodium chloride solution Author(s): V. Penttala |
Pages: 2 - 14 |
Effect of mechanical clamping on the pull-out response of hooked steel fibers embedded in cementitious matrices Author(s): J. M. Alwan, A. E. Naaman, P. Guerrero |
Pages: 15 - 25 |
The use of extrusion rheometry in the development of extruded fiber-reinforced cement composites Author(s): R. Srinivasan, D. Deford, S. P. Shah |
Pages: 26 - 36 |
Mode II fracture resistance of concrete Author(s): L. Cedolin, G. Bisi, P. Nardello |
Pages: 37 - 44 |
The surface area of hardened cement paste as measured by various techniques Author(s): J. J. Thomas, H. M. Jennings, A. J. Allen |
Pages: 45 - 64 |