Concrete Science and Engineering 2 : Concrete Science and Engineering
ISSN: 1295-2826 Issue: Volume 1 , N° 2 Année: 1999 |
Editorial Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 65 - 65 |
The formation of C-S-H/Polymer complexes by hydration of reactive ß-dicalcium silicate Author(s): H. Matsuyama, J. F. Young |
Pages: 66 - 75 |
Effect of W/C Ratio on the elastic modulus of transition zone Author(s): C. C. Yang, R. Huang |
Pages: 76 - 82 |
Monitoring the setting and hardening of cement-based materials with ultrasound Author(s): T. Öztürk, J. Rapoport, J. S. Popovics, S. P. Shah |
Pages: 83 - 91 |
Factors affecting the chloride thresholds for uncracked reinforced concrete exposed in a marine environment
Part I: Field exposure tests of reinforced concrete Author(s): P. Sandberg |
Pages: 92 - 98 |
Factors affecting the chloride thresholds for uncracked reinforced concrete exposed in a marine environment
Part II: Laboratory - and field exposure of corrosion cells Author(s): P. Sandberg, H. E. Sorensen |
Pages: 99 - 109 |
Microstructural and pore solution changes induced by the rapid chloride permeability test measured by impedance spectroscopy Author(s): J. D. Shane, C. D. Aldea, N. F. Bouxsein, T. O. Mason, H. M. Jennings, S. P. Shah |
Pages: 110 - 119 |
Pullout resistance of anchor bolts: effect of matrix properties Author(s): A. Peled |
Pages: 120 - 128 |