Concrete Science and Engineering 3 : Concrete Science and Engineering
ISSN: 1295-2826 Issue: Volume 1 , N° 3 Année: 1999 |
Editorial Author(s): J.F. Young |
Pages: 129 - 129 |
Fatigue life of plain concrete under various loading waveforms Author(s): B. Zhang, D. V. Phillips |
Pages: 130 - 139 |
Self-leveling concrete - Design and properties Author(s): J. Ambroise, S. Rols, J. Péra |
Pages: 140 - 147 |
The formation of C-S-H/polymer complexes with superplasticizing polymers Author(s): H. Matsuyama, J. F. Young |
Pages: 148 - 156 |
Crack extension in cementitious materials by acoustic emission Author(s): M. Ohtsu, M. C. Mumwam, H. P. Rossmanith |
Pages: 157 - 165 |
Behavior of calcium oxide-based expansive cement Author(s): D. E. Swanson, J. F. Labuz |
Pages: 166 - 172 |
On interface property characterization and performance of fiber-reinforced cementitious composites Author(s): Z. Lin, T. Kanda, V. C. Li |
Pages: 173 - 184 |
Thermal dehydration of tobermorite and Jennite Author(s): P. Yu, J. R. Kirkpatrick |
Pages: 185 - 191 |