Concrete Science and Engineering 5 : Concrete Science and Engineering
ISSN: 1295-2826 Issue: Volume 2 , N° 5 Année: 2000 |
Editorial Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 1 - 1 |
Mechanical properties and microstructures of alkali-silica reacted concrete with fly ash, silica fume and calcium nitrite salt Author(s): Z. Li, B. Mu |
Pages: 2 - 7 |
Fibre pull-out from carbonated cementitious mortars Author(s): B. Marchese, P. Vallario, G. Marchese, F. Cantoni |
Pages: 8 - 16 |
Chloride ingress in partially and fully saturated concretes Author(s): S. SWADDIWUDHIPONG |
Pages: 17 - 31 |
The effect of surface gypsum deposits on the durability of cementitious mortars under sulphate attack Author(s): F. Rendell, R. Jauberthie, J. P. Camps |
Pages: 32 - 38 |
Influence of temperature and relative humidity on the drying of concrete Author(s): V. Pentalla |
Pages: 39 - 47 |
Determining fracture toughness by unnotched splitting specimen Author(s): W. Yang, C. Aldea, S. P. Shah |
Pages: 48 - 55 |
The effect of water and fibre length on the fracture resistance of cellulosic fibre cement Author(s): M. M. Khenfer, A. Bali, P. Morlier |
Pages: 56 - 62 |
Advances in cement and concrete
Materials Aspects of Concrete Repairs and Rehabilitation Author(s): RILEM |
Pages: 64 - 64 |