Concrete Science and Engineering 10 : Concrete Science and Engineering
ISSN: 1295-2826 Issue: Volume 3 , N° 10 Année: 2001 |
Cement based smart material - Cement matrix piezoelectric composites Author(s): Z. J. Li, D. Zhang, K. Wu |
Pages: 116 - 120 |
Special issue on Materials aspects of concrete repair and rehabilitation (UEF conference Mont-Tremblant, 2000)
Editorial Author(s): J. Marchand |
Pages: 1 - 1 |
Early-age cracking resistance evaluation of concrete structures Author(s): H.-W. Song, H.-J. Cho, S.-S. Park, K.-J. Byun, K. Maekawa |
Pages: 62 - 72 |
Effect of different substrate and overlay concretes on bond strength and interfacial permeability Author(s): A. Misra, D. J. Cleland, P. A. M. Basheer |
Pages: 73 - 77 |
Modelling the deformational behaviour and relaxation of cement-based systems - The role of hollow shell formation Author(s): K. van Breugel, S. J. Lokhorst |
Pages: 78 - 84 |
Early age shrinkage of concrete: back to physical mechanisms Author(s): L. Barcelo, S. Boivin, P. Acker, J. Toupin, B. Clavaud |
Pages: 85 - 91 |
Concrete repairs subjected to hygrothermal loading: in situ experiments Author(s): O. Laurence, B. Bissonnette, M. Pigeon, P. Rossi |
Pages: 92 - 99 |
Volume stability of hydrated C3S systems in various salt solutions Author(s): S. Catinaud, J. J. Beaudoin, J. Marchand |
Pages: 100 - 109 |
Admixtures and hydraulic binders: design and use for performance in concrete repair Author(s): T. Coverdale, F. Goodwin, R. First, S. Farrington |
Pages: 110 - 115 |