Reproduction of the 3D bond microstructure from sem micrographs as a basis for the modeling of the representative behavior of a crack bridge in TRC
Title: Reproduction of the 3D bond microstructure from sem micrographs as a basis for the modeling of the representative behavior of a crack bridge in TRC
Author(s): R. Chudoba, I. Focke, B.-G. Kang, V. Sadílek and M. Vořechovský
Paper category : conference
Book title: 2nd International RILEM Conference on Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC2-Rio)
Editor(s): R.D. Toledo Filho, F.A. Silva, E.A.B. Koenders and E.M.R. Fairbairn
ISBN: 978-2-35158-120-9
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-121-6
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2011
Pages: 355 - 362
Total Pages: 8
Nb references: 12
Language: English
Abstract: In this paper, the microstructure of the bond between cementitious matrix and multi-filament yarn is characterized using both experimentally and numerically. The 3D geometrical model is constructed using a sequence of SEM-images. The filament-matrix bond is characterized using filament-pull-out-tests. The bond behavior is investigated using the pull-out tests accompanied with acoustic emission analysis. Numerical models of a yarn pull-out are used to reproduce the damage process of the yarn during the loading
Online publication: 2012-01-25
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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