Use of paper industry waste in civil works
Title: Use of paper industry waste in civil works
Author(s): J.P. Ainchil, C. Rios, C. Cortés, I. Vegas and M. Errasti
Paper category : conference
Book title: 2nd International RILEM Conference on Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment
Editor(s): V.M. John, E. Vazquez, S.C. Angulo, C. Ulsen
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-122-3
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2011
Pages: 287 - 295
Total Pages: 9
Nb references: 22
Language: English
Abstract: Europe produces every year approximately 11 million tonnes of waste from paper and pulp industry. In Spain, paper industry produces more than 1 million tonnes of waste per year being landfill the most utilized destination for this kind of waste. Because of these alarming amounts of produced wastes, there is a need of research in alternative solutions for the beneficial use of paper mills waste. The objective of this research is to study, design and validate the utilization of paper mill waste as a new material resource for road construction.
This study is focusing on two types of waste materials from paper and pulp mills: coated paper sludge (L1) and ash derived from thermal activation of paper sludge (C1). In order to prove if the materials L1 and C1 were suitable for use in civil works, physical, chemical and mineralogical characterisations were carried out according to the Spanish Specifications regulating the use of materials in roads (PG-3). Likewise, leaching aspects were assessed for both waste materials.
Experimental results show that ash (C1) exhibited hydraulic properties providing high bearing capacity; therefore C1 reveals appropriate geotechnical properties for its use in road construction. Meanwhile, organic matter in paper sludge L1 must be reduced and bearing capacity increased by means of stabilisation with inorganic binders.
Online publication: 2012-02-08
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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