The influence of curing conditions on the durability performance of concrete made with recycled
Title: The influence of curing conditions on the durability performance of concrete made with recycled
concrete waste
Author(s): J. de Brito and P. Amorim
Paper category : conference
Book title: 2nd International RILEM Conference on Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment
Editor(s): V.M. John, E. Vazquez, S.C. Angulo, C. Ulsen
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-122-3
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2011
Pages: 377 - 388
Total Pages: 12
Nb references: 14
Language: English
Abstract: The research on the use of Construction and Demolition Waste as recycled aggregates (namely crushed concrete) for the production of new concrete has by now fairly established the feasibility of this environmentally friendly use of otherwise deleterious waste. However, contrary to conventional concrete, concrete made with recycled concrete has not been the subject of large-scale use and some of the problems already solved in conventional concrete are still the source of some distrust due to lack of knowledge when recycled aggregates concrete (RAC) is mentioned. One such issue concerns curing conditions. These conditions greatly affect the performance of concrete made on site and some potential users of RAC wander whether RAC is more susceptible to far-from-ideal curing conditions.
The paper presents the main results of an experimental campaign (Master dissertation) concerning the influence of different curing conditions on the durability performance of concrete made with recycled aggregates (crushed concrete). The properties analyzed include shrinkage, water absorption by immersion and by capillarity, carbonation and chloride penetration. The general conclusion in terms of durability performance is that RAC are affected by curing conditions similarly to conventional concrete.
Online publication: 2012-02-08
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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