Overview of indoor microbial growth on building materials
Author(s): Thomas Verdier, Alexandra Bertron, Pernilla Johansson
Paper category: Conference
Book Title: International RILEM Conference on Microorganisms-Cementitious Materials Interactions
Editors: Virginie Wiktor, Henk Jonkers, Alexandra Bertron
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-160-5
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2016
Pages: 76-93
Total Pages: 18
Language: English
Abstract: The presence of microorganisms in the indoor environment is one of the main causes of the degradation of indoor air quality. In damp environments, building materials can provide favourable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms, which can produce contaminants, including spores, fungal fragments, mycotoxins, endotoxins, glucans, and mVOCs, suspected to increase hazards to human health. However, causal relations between the contamination of building materials and specific health troubles are difficult to establish, partly because of the lack of information regarding their aerosolization and the way of exposure.
The objectives of this review are: 1. To outline the main microbial contaminants of indoor air. 2. To identify the microorganisms that are most commonly detected and studied on indoor building materials. 3. To make a synthesis of the building material parameters (water, chemical composition, etc.) affecting the growth of microorganisms.
The need for development and standardization of suitable methods to assess microbial proliferation on building materials for a better understanding of the relations between contamination of materials and health hazards for people is highlighted. Further studies should focus on the interactions between microorganisms harmful to human health and building materials in order to better predict their development and limit them as much as possible.
Online publication: 2016
Publication Type: full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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