Proceedings pro109 : International RILEM Conference Materials Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 (MSSCE 2016) on Service Life of Cement-Based Materials and Structures
Title: International RILEM Conference Materials Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 (MSSCE 2016) on Service Life of Cement-Based Materials and Structures Edited by Miguel Azenha, Ivan Gabrijel, Dirk Schlicke, Terje Kanstad and Ole Mejlhede Jensen ISBN Vol. 1: 978-2-35158-170-4 ISBN Vol. 2: 978-2-35158-171-4 ISBN Vol. 1&2: 978-2-35158-172-8 e-ISBN : 978-2-35158-173-5 Pages: 836 Publication date: 2016 |
This volume contains the proceedings of the MSSCE 2016 conference segment on “Service Life of Cement-Based Materials and Structures”, which is organized by COST Action TU1404 ( This COST Action is entitled: “Towards the next generation of standards for service life of cement-based materials and structures”, dedicated to assist deepening knowledge regarding the service life behaviour of cement-based materials and structures. The main purpose of this Action is to bring together relevant stakeholders (experimental and numerical researchers, standardization offices, manufacturers, designers, contractors, owners and authorities) in order to reflect today’s state of knowledge in new guidelines/recommendations, introduce new products and technologies to the market, and promote international and inter-speciality exchange of new information, creating avenues for new developments. The COST Action is basically divided in three main workgroups targeted to this purpose:
WG1 – Testing of cement-based materials and RRT+
WG 2 – Modelling and benchmarking
WG 3 – Recommendations and products
Also, two important instruments of the Action are now under way: the Extended Round Robin Testing Program (RRT+), and the numerical benchmarking. The RRT+ is currently involving 43 laboratories.
The present conference segment deals with a wide breadth of topics related to the service life of concrete, comprising aspects related to the 3 Workgroups mentioned above. The conference segment is attended by 80 presenters from university, industry and practice representing more than 30 different countries. All contributions have been peer reviewed.
The event “Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016”, 15-29 August 2016, Lyngby, Denmark, is scientifically sponsored by RILEM. The event is hosted by the Department of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark and is financially sponsored by a number of independent foundations and organizations.
Volume 1 - Complete proceedings to download |
Pages: 1-424 |
Volume 2 - Complete proceedings to download |
Pages: 1-412 |
Pages: 182-193 |