Author(s): Pernilla Johansson, Linus Brander, Gunilla Bok
Paper category: Proceedings
Book title: IV International Conference Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment
Editor(s): Isabel M. Martins, Carina Ulsen, Yury Villagran
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-208-4
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 46-53
Total Pages: 08
Language : English
Abstract: Plasterboard is a very common building material. Therefore, a lot of waste consisting of this
material is generated during construction, demolition and retrofitting of buildings.
Gypsum is a recyclable material; the technology is available to recycle plaster boards to
gypsum powder that can be used in new gypsum boards. In addition, manufacturers request
enhanced amounts of this secondary raw material and, at least in Sweden, plaster boards are
often sorted out as a separate waste fraction. The conditions for efficient recycling of the
gypsum boards from construction and demolition waste are therefore good. Despite this, only
a small proportion is recycled. Instead, the major part ends up as waste landfills or, when
mixed with combustible materials, is incinerated.
The aim of the study was to identify innovative ideas and solutions to increase the recycling
of gypsum boards. The work included field studies and interviews and was performed in
cooperation with representatives from different parts of the Swedish building sector, including
material producer, construction industry and recycling companies. The paper presents and
discuss the challenges, current conditions and the new solutions identified. The study was a
pilot study and some of the solutions will be tested in a bigger study.
Online publication : 2018
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros) : 0.00
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