Author(s): Cássia R. Corrêa, João H. Rêgo, e Cláudio H. Feitosa
Paper category: Proceedings
Book title: IV International Conference Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment
Editor(s): Isabel M. Martins, Carina Ulsen, Yury Villagran
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-208-4
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 116-123
Total Pages: 08
Language : English
Abstract: This study presents the characterization of the granulometric fractions that compound two
recycled sands from the city of Brasília, Federal District, Brazil; the sand RS1 is from a
recycling plant and the sand RS2 is from concrete specimen bodies. In order to establish
comparison patterns, the natural reference sand (NS) was also submitted to a characterization.
The conditions studied were: coarse fraction, medium coarse fraction, medium fine fraction,
fine fraction and composite sand (composition, in equal masses, of the four granulometric
fractions). In addition to conventional physical experiments, the sands were submitted to visual
evaluations of the characteristics were performed through images generated by an electronic
magnifying glass, chemical analyzes by XRF and mineralogical by XRD. The results of the
mineralogical, chemical and visual analyzes revealed the liberation of the mineral phase with
the decrease of the granulometry of the recycled sands, corroborating with the tendency
detected on the results of the physical analysis. Studies have shown that recycled sands are
composed of two groups: "coarse fractions" (coarse and mediun coarse fractions) and "fine
fractions" (fine and medium fine fractions), which represents an improvement related to an
application of recycled sands in cementitious mixtures.
Online publication : 2018
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros) : 0.00
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