Author(s): Kurt Kielsgaard Hansen Carsten Rode Lars-Olof Nilsson
Paper category: Proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference
Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016
Segment on
Moisture in Materials and Structures
Editor(s): Kurt Kielsgaard Hansen, Carsten Rode and Lars-Olof Nilsson
Print-ISBN: 978-2-35158-230-5
ISBN: 978-2-35158-178-0
e-ISBN : 978-2-35158-179-7
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2016
Pages: 12-12
Total Pages: 1
Language : English
Abstract: The conference “Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering – MSSCE 2016” is
part of the RILEM week 2016, which consists of a series of parallel and consecutive
conference and doctoral course segments on different topics as well as technical and
administrative meetings in several scientific organizations. The event is hosted by the
Department of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark and the Danish
Technological Institute and it is held at the Lyngby campus of the Technical University of
Denmark 15-29 August 2016.
This volume contains the proceedings of the MSSCE 2016 conference segment on “Moisture
in Materials and Structures”. The conference segment is organized by the Moisture Research
Centre, Lund, Sweden and the RILEM technical committee TC 248-MMB: Methods of
measuring moisture in building materials and structures. TC 248-MMB started activities in
2012 and has about 30 members from all over the world. The main objective of the committee
is to improve and disseminate knowledge related to moisture measurement in construction
materials in various scientific and industrial applications, to quantify uncertainties in various
methods, to facilitate meetings between researchers working in the field of moisture
measurements in different materials and applications, and to give best practices and
recommendations for researchers and/or practitioners.
Some of the papers in these proceedings origin from the work in two COST actions: TU 1404
Service Life of Cement-based Materials and Structures and TU 1301 NORM for Building
Materials. The papers from COST TU 1404 are spread across several MSSCE 2016
conference segments and it is planned that a separate set of electronic proceedings for this
COST action will be published after the conference.
The present conference segment deals with theory, modeling, and results from experimental
investigations with relation to moisture in building materials and structures. The topics
covered include water absorption, water vapour permeability, gas permeability in moist
materials, drying, moisture distribution, moisture penetration through ceilings, salt transport,
degradation, moisture damages, moisture transport models, moisture monitoring, electrical
investigation for moisture assessment, moisture flux through cracks, non-destructive
measurements, hydrophobic impregnation, hygrothermal behavior and damp-proofing. Most
of these topics have relation to the aforementioned RILEM technical committee 248-MMB.
The conference segment is attended by more than 35 presenters from university, industry and
practice. Hopefully, it will contribute to synthesis of research on and promotion of knowledge
transfer from academia to practice. All contributions have been peer reviewed.
Online publication : 2016
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros) : 0.00