

The Decisive Role of Acidophilic Bacteria on Biogenic Acid Corrosion in Sewers: A Novel Model Approach

Author(s): Cyrill Grengg, Florian Mittermayr, Guenther Koraimann, Florian Konrad, Mate Szabó, Attila Demeny and Martin Dietzel
Paper category: Proceedings
Book title: Proceeding of the 71st RILEM Annual Week & ICACMS 2017
Editor(s): Manu Santhanam, Ravindra Gettu, Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Sunitha K. Nayar
ISBN:978-2-35158-195-7, 978-2-35158-190-2 (Set)
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-191-9
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 287-296
Total Pages: 10
Language : English

Abstract: The efficient, safe and cost-effective collection and transport of sewage is a key criteria for maintaining expected sanitary standards of modern society. Within the last century microbial induced concrete corrosion (MICC) has been recognized as one of the main processes for degradation of concrete based sewer networks worldwide, triggering high economic expenses, as well as severe health and environmental concerns. Especially in developing countries, lack or insufficient operating sewer networks can lead to the spread of severe infectious diseases or contamination of drinking water. This work describes a novel model approach intertwining biological, mineralogical and hydro-chemical factors, which in combination revealed a dynamic pH- and diffusion–controlled system with low corrosion rates of >1cm yr-1.. Arising new insights are central for the understanding of the process mechanisms of MICC and key for further technological advancements regarding material design and durability, as well as sewer network sustainability.

Online publication :2017
Publication type :full_text
Public price (Euros) : 0.00

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