Acoustic emission for characterization of failure mechanisms in textile reinforced mortar laminates under tensile loading
Author(s): J. Blom, D.G. Aggelis, J Wastiels, C. Vuye
Paper category: Proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of the 2nd International RILEM/COST Conference on Early Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-based Materials and Structures Volume 1
Editor(s): Stéphanie Staquet and Dimitrios Aggelis
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 107-112
Total Pages: 6
Language : English
Abstract: This work presents the study of fracture mechanisms occurring in textile reinforced cementitious composite (TRC) specimens by using acoustic emission (AE). It will focus on the tensile behaviour. The main objective is to link specific AE parameters and indices to the different fracture mechanisms that are successively activated during the failure process of the complex TRC composite material. These mechanisms include multiple matrix cracking at low load and more complex failure including fibre pull-out and rupture, at higher loads.
By using a modified model based on the Aveston, Cooper and Kelly (ACK) theory 1234the behaviour of the TRC in tension can be described. Theoretically, this model assumes no matrix damage in the first stage, multiple matrix cracking in the second stage and a more complex failure in the post cracking stage. However, when calibrating the modified ACK model, the matrix damage factor obtained from the average experimental tensile test data, was not zero.
By adding acoustic emission measuring techniques, even at very low stresses, fracture initiation and propagation is observed, confirming the finding’s obtained from the model. According to acoustic emission knowledge, shifts in the obtained measurement patterns can be linked to the occurring failure, even from the start of the tensile loading. This in contrast with a tensile test, where only damage on macroscopic scale can be observed.
Online publication : 2017
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros) : 0.00
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