

Fernandina old Wall of Lisbon – Characterization towards its preservation

Author(s): Leandro Gomes, Paulina Faria, Vitor Silva, António Santos Silva
Paper category: Proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of the 5th Historic Mortars Conference
Editor(s): José Ignacio Álvarez, José María Fernández, Íñigo Navarro, Adrián Durán, Rafael Sirera
ISBN: 978-2-35158-221-3
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-222-0
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 681-694
Total Pages: 14
Language : English

Abstract: The Fernandina Wall of Lisbon started to be built in 1373 and had an extension of 4.69 km in
the old city. This Wall in nowadays completely “emerged” and surrounded by the city.
Several interventions mainly performed on old buildings confining with, or including, the
Wall have been held in the last years. Nevertheless, so far there is a lack of information on
the original materials and the ones applied in the history of interventions. Seven sections of
the Wall were inspected, and the constitutive materials extracted from rammed earth,
rubble stone and regular stone masonries to be characterized in laboratory. In situ non-
destructive testing on two wall sections allowed to preliminary characterize original and
more recent materials and start gathering results for a heritage database that will record
data relating to the history, properties and performance of materials, aiming supporting
future interventions.

Online publication : 2019
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros) : 0.00

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