M.N.I.A.R. techniques of macroscopic characterization from the colorimetry and chromatographies analysis applied to the mortars in the archaeological site of Los Hitos (Arisgotas, Toledo, Spain)
Author(s): Pablo Guerra-García, Jorge Morín de Pablos, Isabel Sánchez Ramos
Paper category: Proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of the 5th Historic Mortars Conference
Editor(s): José Ignacio Álvarez, José María Fernández, Íñigo Navarro, Adrián Durán, Rafael Sirera
ISBN: 978-2-35158-221-3
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-222-0
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 695-712
Total Pages: 18
Language : English
Abstract: The archaeological settlement of Los Hitos is located in the village of Arisgotas (Toledo).
Different chronological ecclesiastical occupations have been documented there: one, a
palatial building of the 6th century AD; second, a Visigoth phase, with reuse of the palace and
new church, from the 7th to the 8th centuries AD; and finally, an Andalusian farmstead, from
the 9th to the 11th centuries. Mortars of different nature were identified in all chambers.
Some samples were analysed following a methodology based on macroscopy (N.I.M.H.R.,
Non-intrusive Macroscopy with High Resolution). This process was divided in two
procedures: one, a non-destructive sampling through microphotographs; and two, an
extraction of samples for further processing. In both cases, an image treatment has been
developed with professional biomedicine or geology programs (VehoCapture 1.3, Gimp 2.8,
JMicrovision 1.2.7, Micam 1.6, among others) developing a three-dimensional surface maps
and granulometries based on the high quality spectral analysis of sections. More than 2000
photographic microtomes of 400 magnifications have been taken with a portable magnifying
binocular. The results have been documenting several phases of mortar application have
been documented, identifying damage elements such as micro cracks, and documenting
microstratigraphies in some cases too.
Online publication : 2019
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros) : 0.00
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