Autogenous strain of cement pastes with superabsorbent polymers
Title: Autogenous strain of cement pastes with superabsorbent polymers
Author(s): Pietro Lura, Félix Durand, Ole Mejlhede Jensen
Paper category : conference
Book title: International RILEM Conference on Volume Changes of Hardening Concrete: Testing and Mitigation
Editor(s): O. M. Jensen, P. Lura, K. Kovler
Print-ISBN: 2-35158-004-4
e-ISBN: 2351580052
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2006
Pages: 57 - 65
Total Pages: 9
Nb references: 15
Language: English
Abstract: Internal curing of high performance cementitious mixtures by superabsorbent polymers, SAP, reduces self-desiccation and self-desiccation shrinkage. Depending on the type and on the dosage of the SAP, shrinkage may be totally avoided and early-age expansion may be observed. This early age expansion is measured by both linear and volumetric techniques. In this study, the influence of the particle size of the SAP was investigated in high performance cement pastes, with water/cement ratio (w/c) 0.3 and 20% silica fume addition. Small SAP particles are supposedly advantageous in internal curing because of their improved dispersion in the self-desiccating cement paste. Contrary to the expectations, it was found that reducing the size of the SAP does not reduce the shrinkage reduction. Relative large SAP particles (~300 µm across in the swollen state) reduced the autogenous shrinkage of the pastes more than the smaller fractions. Possible reasons for this behaviour are discussed in the paper.
Online publication: 2006-07-30
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/2351580052.007
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