Multi-crack formation in strain hardening cement-based composites
Author(s): F.H. Wittmann, T. Wilhelm, F. Beltzung, P. Grübl
Paper category: Workshop
Book title: Fifth International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC5)
Editor(s): H.W. Reinhardt, A.E. Naaman
ISBN: 978-2-35158-046-2
Pages: 125 - 134
Total Pages: 10
Language: English
It has been shown by numerous authors that strain hardening cement based materials can be produced by adding high performance polymer fibres such as PVA and PE fibres to fresh fine mortar. The complex interaction between the high performance fibres and the cementbased matrix leads to multi-crack formation. The surface of strain hardening cement-based materials (SHCC) has been observed by means of a high resolution digital camera while a steadily growing deformation has been imposed. From the observed data the displacements and deformations of elements of the stochastic pattern on the surface can be obtained by numerical evaluation. This method is based on principles of pattern recognition. As we had expected it can be observed that PVA fibres stabilize fictitious cracks in the strained matrix. With increasing strain a process of complex redistribution of stresses and strains can be observed. The width of most cracks widens while at a given strain some cracks are closed again. If pseudo-ductility is to be simulated in a realistic way, these processes, which to the knowledge of the authors, are described for the first time in this contribution have to be taken into consideration.
Online publication: 2014
Publication Type: full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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