Flexural modelling of strain softening and strain hardening fiber reinforced concrete
Author(s): C. Soranakom, B. Mobasher
Paper category: Workshop
Book title: Fifth International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC5)
Editor(s): H.W. Reinhardt, A.E. Naaman
ISBN: 978-2-35158-046-2
Pages: 155 - 164
Total Pages: 10
Language: English
Parameterized material models for modeling strain softening and strain hardening fiber reinforced concrete are presented. The models are expressed as closed-form solutions of moment-curvature response, which can be used with crack localization rules to predict flexural response of a beam under four point bending test. A parametric study of post crack tensile strength in the strain softening model is conducted to demonstrate two sub-class behaviors: deflection softening and deflection hardening. Uniaxial and flexural test results of steel and glass fiber reinforced are selected to demonstrate the applicability of the algorithm to predict load deflection responses. The simulations reveal that the direct use of tensile response from uniaxial test under-predicted the flexural response of four point bending test, implying the discrepancy between the two test methods. A uniformly increase in tension capacity is found necessary to enable the predictions to match the experimental results.
Online publication: 2014
Publication Type: full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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