Lap slice performance of reinforcing bar in high performance synthetic fiber reinforced cementitious composites under repeated loadings
Author(s): E. Jeon, S-W. Kim, Y-O. Lee, J-B. Byun, H-D. Yun
Paper category: Workshop
Book title: Fifth International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC5)
Editor(s): H.W. Reinhardt, A.E. Naaman
ISBN: 978-2-35158-046-2
Pages: 437 - 444
Total Pages: 8
Language: English
The primary objective of this research is to investigate the lap splice performance and bond stress of deformed reinforcing bars embedded in high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (HPFRCC). In this paper, the effects of reinforcing fibers on the lap splice strength of reinforcing bars in tension were experimentally investigated. A total of 6 specimens were made and tested in axial tension. The variables in this study covered matrix ductility [reinforcing fibers: polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) fiber] and lap splice length (90 and 120% of development/splice length in ACI 318-05 lap splice provisions). Three strain gages located on the surface of reinforcing bar were placed to monitor the strain of the reinforcement during the deformation process. The scope of the investigations on the splice strength of reinforcing bars in tension in absence of transverse reinforceiment in comparison with plain unconfined concrete. The current experimental results demonstrated clearly that the addition of synthetic fibers in cement matrixes increases significantly the lap splice performance of reinforcing bars in tension. Lap splice strength by adding PE fiber in 1.5 percent by volume increased 30.11 ~ 88.63 percent more than that of normal concrete. Also, the presence of fibers increased the number of cracks formed around the spliced bars, delayed the growth of the splitting cracks, and consequently, improved the ductility of bond failure.
Online publication: 2014
Publication Type: full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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