Multi-scale time-dependent deformation model or solidifying cementitious materials coupling with aggregate properties
Title: Multi-scale time-dependent deformation model or solidifying cementitious materials coupling with aggregate properties
Author(s): S. Asamoto, T. Ishida, K. Maekawa
Paper category : conference
Book title: International RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling - ConMod '08
Editor(s): E. Schlangen and G. De Schutter
Print-ISBN: 978-2-35158-060-8
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-076-9
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2008
Pages: 225 - 232
Total Pages: 8
Nb references: 17
Language: English
Abstract: A multi-scale constitutive model to predict shrinkage and creep according to the thermodynamics information of composite materials is presented. Concrete is idealized as a two-phase composite model consisting of hardening cement paste and aggregate. The aging paste is expressed by forming finite fictitious clusters based on hydration degree computed by a thermodynamics analytical system. The mechanical behavior of the fictitious clusters is coupled with the calculated micro-chemo information such as temperature, pore structures, moisture states in micro-pores and others. The aggregate is idealized as suspended elastic particles and the effects of aggregate properties such as stiffness, water absorption and shrinkage on time-dependency of concrete are also taken into account. The proposed model can simulate the time-dependent deformation of concrete reasonably under various boundary conditions and represent the varying concrete shrinkage for various types of aggregates.
Online publication: 2009-06-15
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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