

Numerical experimentation with cement using µic

Title: Numerical experimentation with cement using µic
Author(s): S. Bishnoi, K.L. Scrivener
Paper category : conference
Book title: International RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling - ConMod '08
Editor(s): E. Schlangen and G. De Schutter
Print-ISBN: 978-2-35158-060-8
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-076-9
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2008
Pages: 369 - 376
Total Pages: 8
Nb references: 8
Language: English

Abstract: Our current knowledge of cement is limited to experimental results on specimens that vary depending on different conditions. With many concurrent factors affecting microstructural development, it becomes difficult to decouple their effects based on observations. Even though there are some numerical studies, which claim to predict properties and aim at replacing experiments, the use of numerical tools for interpretation of results is limited. This paper presents "µic", a new modelling platform that simulates microstructural development of cement and aims at interacting with experimentation. The model uses the vector approach to preserve the multi-scale aspect of cement and can be used for microstructural characterization and micro-mechanical computations. The aim of this model is to provide a flexible simulation platform to aid experimenters with interpretation of experimental results. All programmes are written in object-oriented Java. The model is based on the Cement Hydration Tool-kit that provides a pluggable interface to the model. Users can create short custom plugins that can be compiled separately and given as input to control microstructural development. This approach can prove useful to overcome the complexity characteristic to cement. Researchers can check the validity of hypotheses by formulating them into plugins and comparing simulations with experimental results. The model would not only help in verifying hypotheses, but also in the design of future experiments. An example application of this model to modelling the microstructure and reaction-rate of cement will be presented here.

Online publication: 2009-06-15
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00

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