In-situ testing of the permeability of concrete
Title: In-situ testing of the permeability of concrete
Author(s): I. Gabrijel, D. Mikulic, D. Bjegovic, I. Stipanovic
Paper category : conference
Book title: RILEM Symposium on On Site Assessment of Concrete, Masonry and Timber Structures - SACoMaTiS 2008
Editor(s): L. Binda, M. di Prisco, R. Felicetti
Print-ISBN: 978-2-35158-061-5
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-075-2
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2008
Pages: 337 - 346
Total Pages: 10
Nb references: 10
Language: English
Abstract: Reinforced concrete is one of the most widely used structural materials, because it offers good durability properties, a range of engineering solutions and a variety of aesthetic opportunities. To obtain required properties of concrete as a structural material in the laboratory and on site is not the same. Real properties of material which is placed and cured on site in different environmental conditions stay unknown. Therefore it is obvious that there is a strong need for the application of the non-destructive methods in testing of concrete structures on site.
When using NDT methods the main goal is to obtain reliable results but for a method to be “good” also some other requirements should be satisfied, i.e. method must be simple and truly non destructive. In this paper two non-destructive methods for measuring permeability properties of in-situ concrete are presented. Methods include measuring of initial surface absorption and air permeability. Testing was performed with the two instruments developed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, Croatia. Results from NDT methods measurements are analyzed and discussed in order to evaluate the measurement techniques and the quality of the concrete.
Online publication: 2009-05-26
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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