Proceedings pro060 : 7th RILEM International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Design and Applications - BEFIB 2008
Title: 7th RILEM International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Design and Applications - BEFIB 2008 Edited by R. Gettu ISBN: 978-2-35158-064-6 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-086-8 Pages: 1181 Publication date: 2008 |
Preface Author(s): R. Gettu |
Pages: XVI - XVII |
Development and evolution of tensile strain-hardening FRC composites Author(s): A.E. Naaman |
Pages: 1 - 28 |
Mechanical reinforcement of concrete with novel bi-component fibers Author(s): J. Kaufmann, J. Lübben, E. Schwitter |
Pages: 29 - 38 |
The nano-mechanical properties of ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): L. Sorelli, G. Constantinides, F.-J. Ulm, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 39 - 49 |
Wood and other natural fibres as reinforcement in cementitious materials Author(s): M. Guadalupe Sierra Beltran, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 51 - 61 |
Optimisation of steel fibre bonding in ultra high performance concrete Author(s): T. Stengel |
Pages: 63 - 73 |
Reliability and economy of pull-out testing for predicting engineering behavior of SFRC Author(s): P. Stroeven |
Pages: 75 - 82 |
Impact of the fibre manufacturing quality on the fibre pullout performance Author(s): V.M.C.F. Cunha, J.M. Sena-Cruz, J.A.O. Barros |
Pages: 83 - 93 |
Material testing and structural analysis of FRC beams - A fracture mechanics approach Author(s): A. Jansson, I. Löfgren, K. Gylltoft |
Pages: 95 - 103 |
Recent advances in high performance natural (sisal) fiber cement composites Author(s): A. Silva, B. Mobasher, R.D. Toledo Filho |
Pages: 105 - 113 |
Glass fibre reinforced concrete at high temperatures Author(s): M. Colombo, M. di Presco, L. Mazzoleni |
Pages: 115 - 123 |
Nanoimaging of highly dispersed carbon nanotube reinforced cement based materials Author(s): M.S. Konsta-Gdoutos, Z.S. Metaxa, S.P. Shah |
Pages: 125 - 131 |
Evaluation of the scatter of the postpeak behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete in bending: A step towards reliability Author(s): B. Parmentier, L. Vandewalle, F. van Rickstal |
Pages: 133 - 143 |
Distribution and orientation of fibers in the perspective of the mechanical properties of concrete Author(s): P. Stroeven, Z. Guo |
Pages: 145 - 154 |
Effect of incorporating metakaolin as mineral admixture and crimped fibres on properties of high strength concrete Author(s): Z. Abdul Rahim, P. Srinivasa Rao |
Pages: 155 - 159 |
Influence of the geometric properties of polypropylene fibers on fracture energy and size effect of low strength concrete Author(s): H. Cifuentes, F. Medina, M. Espinar |
Pages: 161 - 171 |
On the round panel and 3-point bending tests Author(s): L. Vandewalle, F. van Rickstal, G. Heirman, B. Parmentier |
Pages: 173 - 182 |
Behavior of concrete with very high fiber content Author(s): J. Sustersic, I. Leskovar, R. Ercegovic, J. Korla |
Pages: 183 - 190 |
Fiber orientation in ultra-high performance concrete Author(s): J. Hegger, S. Rauscher, J. Lange, M. Zell |
Pages: 191 - 199 |
Properties of hybrid fiber reinforced cementitious composites with admixtures Author(s): N. Ishikawa, H. Mihashi, T. Kikuta |
Pages: 201 - 208 |
Flexural behaviour of short steel fiber reinforced concrete beams Author(s): S. Kumar, M.M. Prasad |
Pages: 209 - 217 |
Influence of PVA fibers on load carrying capacity of concrete with coarse aggregates Author(s): K. Holschemacher, S. Höer |
Pages: 219 - 229 |
Investigation of the flexural toughness and fracture energy of high and ultra high performance fiber reinforced concretes Author(s): J.K. Dattatreya, K.V. Harish, M. Neelamegam |
Pages: 231 - 242 |
Controlled telescopic reinforced system for high performance fiber-cement composites Author(s): A. Bentur, Z. Cohen, A. Peled, P. Larianovsky, R; Tirosh, M. Puterman, M. Yardimci |
Pages: 243 - 251 |
Application of textile reinforced concrete in prefabrication Author(s): M. Liebolt, M. Butler, V. Mechtcherine |
Pages: 253 - 262 |
Characterization of bond mechanisms between polymer bundles and cement matrices Author(s): A. Peled, E. Zagori, G. Marom |
Pages: 263 - 272 |
Preforming of textile reinforcement for sandwich building members Author(s): S. Janetzko, T. Gries |
Pages: 273 - 280 |
Constructional design of prefabricated TRC elements Author(s): J. Hegger, M. Zell, S. Voss |
Pages: 281 - 291 |
Effect of environmental exposure on the microstructure of textile concrete Author(s): S.W. Memunya, B. Tait, M.G. Alexander |
Pages: 293 - 302 |
Finite element modelling of FRC structures - Pitfalls and how to avoid them Author(s): B. Belletti, M.A.N. Hendriks, J.G. Rots |
Pages: 303 - 313 |
Microplane model for cyclic behavior of fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): M.T. Kazemi, I. Zakeri |
Pages: 315 - 321 |
Modelling of crack opening in steel fibre reinforced concrete under tension and bending Author(s): M. Strack |
Pages: 323 - 332 |
A computational model for fibre reinforced concrete incorporating information from multiple scales Author(s): F.K.F. Radtke, A. Simone, L.J. Sluys |
Pages: 333 - 343 |
Numerical modelling of steel fibre reinforced concrete structures - A comparative study Author(s): T.S.A. Ribeiro, P. Serna, G.O. Ribeiro, A.M.N. López |
Pages: 345 - 355 |
Strengh characteristics of recycled aggregate concrete with polyester fibers Author(s): V. Bhikshma, R. Kishore, J. Latha |
Pages: 357 - 363 |
In-plane shear test of fibre reinforced concrete panels Author(s): A. Solgaard, H. Stang, P. Goltermann |
Pages: 365 - 374 |
Examples of shear design of SFRC beams Author(s): C. Failla, M. Manzoni, F. Minelli, F. Pasini, G.A. Plizzari |
Pages: 375 - 385 |
SFRC D-regions: Size effect in bottle-shaped struts Author(s): M. Colombo, M. di Prisco, M. Lamperti |
Pages: 387 - 397 |
On the shear behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams Author(s): H.D. Dinh, G.J. Parra-Montesinos, J.K. Wight |
Pages: 399 - 407 |
Conversion factors for the determination of the tensile behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete from bending tests Author(s): L. Gödde, M. Strack |
Pages: 409 - 418 |
Performance based design of SFRC for serviceability and ultimate limit states Author(s): M. Yalcin, C. Tasdemir, M.A. Tasdemir, I. Gokalp, M. Yerlikaya |
Pages: 419 - 428 |
Steel fibres for the shear resistance of high strength concrete beams Author(s): S.P.F. Santos, J.A.O. Barros, L.A.P. Lourenço |
Pages: 429 - 439 |
Rate sensitivity of HPFRCC tensile loading: From quasi -static to high strain rates Author(s): E. Cadoni, A. Meda, G.A. Plizzari |
Pages: 441 - 450 |
Strengthening of masonry using sprayed strain hardening cement-based composites (SHCC) Author(s): A.-E. Bruedern, D. Abecasis, V. Mechtcherine |
Pages: 451 - 460 |
Extrusion of ECC: Recent developments and applications Author(s): H. Stang, H. Fredslund-Hansen, T. Puclin, B. Harrington |
Pages: 461 - 470 |
Behaviour of strain hardening cenment-based composites in tension and compression Author(s): V. Mechtcherine, P. Jun |
Pages: 471 - 481 |
Application of engineered cementitious composites in modular floor panels Author(s): L.H. Lárusson, G. Fischer, J. Jönsson |
Pages: 483 - 493 |
Flexural capacity of steel reinforced engineered cememtitious composite beam Author(s): S.B. Singh, M.V.R. Sivasubramanian |
Pages: 495 - 500 |
A new notched beam test for the flexural characterization of fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): G.P. Gava, L.R. Prudêncio Jr. |
Pages: 501 - 511 |
Development of design guidelines for strain softening fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): C. Sanakom, M. Yekani-Fard, B. Mobasher |
Pages: 513 - 523 |
The effect of steel fibre on concrete conductivity and its relation to on-site material assessment Author(s): R. Felicetti, L. Ferrara |
Pages: 525 - 535 |
Mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced concrete with steel and polyester fiber Author(s): E. Vasanelli, F. Micelli, M.A. Aiello, G. Plizzari |
Pages: 537 - 546 |
A comparative study of the resistance of high performance concrete and reactive powder concrete to penetration of water and chlorides Author(s): M. Neelamegam, J.K. Dattatreya, K.V. Harish, D.S. Sabitha |
Pages: 547 - 557 |
Effects of fiber types and additives on the performance of fiber-cement roofing sheets Author(s): H. Kus, E. Korkmaz, E. Özgür |
Pages: 559 - 565 |
Effect of polyvinylalcohol fibres on the durability of concrete with coarse aggregates Author(s): K. Holschemacher, S. Höer |
Pages: 567 - 576 |
Creep behaviour of cracked steel fibre reinforced concrete beams Author(s): B.E. Barragán, R.L. Zerbino |
Pages: 577 - 586 |
Behaviour of slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete with metakaolin Author(s): C. Sashidhar, H.S. Rao, N.V. Ramana, K. Gnaneswar |
Pages: 587 - 593 |
Evolution of the flexural behaviour of precracked SFRC in marine environment Author(s): P. Serna, S.E. Arango |
Pages: 595 - 605 |
Investigation of strength and toughness of FRHPC after exposure to high temperature Author(s): Y. Ding, S. Jalali, C. Niederegger |
Pages: 607 - 616 |
Tunnel linings of fiber reinforced concrete combined with traditional reinforcement Author(s): G. Tiberti, G.A. Plizzari |
Pages: 617 - 629 |
Use of synthetic fibres for fire resistant tunnel concretes - Summary of general requirements Author(s): F. Dehn |
Pages: 631 - 640 |
Self consolidating fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): S.P. Shah, L. Ferrara |
Pages: 641 - 659 |
Rheology of fibre reinforced cementitious materials: Classification and prediction Author(s): L. Martinie, P. Rossi, N. Roussel |
Pages: 661 - 666 |
Experimental study of the bond between steel reinforcement and self-compacting high strength fiber reinforced cementitious composites Author(s): A.K.F. Cheung, C.K.Y. Leung |
Pages: 667 - 677 |
Strength and behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self compacting concrete columns Author(s): N. Ganesan, P.V. Indira, P.T. Santhosh Kumar |
Pages: 679 - 687 |
Tensile behaviour of reinforced concrete specimens constructed with steel fibers and SCC Author(s): H. Aoude, W.D. Cook, D. Mitchell |
Pages: 689 - 698 |
Experimental study on bond of prestressing strand in SCC and FRC Author(s): J.R. Martí, L.A. Caro, S. Arango, P. Serna |
Pages: 699 - 709 |
Studies on the relation between fiber orientation and flexural performance of SFRSCC Author(s): M.Y. Yardimci, B. Baradan, M.A. Tasdemir |
Pages: 711 - 718 |
Fibre orientation in self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): L. Vandewalle, G. Heirman, F. van Rickstal |
Pages: 719 - 728 |
Orientation and distribution of steel fibres in self-compacting concrete Author(s): M.C. Torrijos, J.M. Tobes, B.E. Barragán, R.L. Zerbino |
Pages: 729 - 738 |
Tailoring optimum performance for the structural use of self consolidating SFRC Author(s): L. Ferrara, M. di Prisco, R.S. Khurana |
Pages: 739 - 750 |
Behavior under direct tension and bending of self-consolidating concrete reinforced with high volume fractions of steel fibers Author(s): V. Velasco, R.D. Toledo Filho, E.M.R. Fairbairn |
Pages: 751 - 759 |
On the behavior of contruction joints in FRC pavements Author(s): B. Belletti, L. Cominoli, A. Meda, G.A. Plizzari |
Pages: 761 - 771 |
Numerical study of the role of fibres in the preliminary lining of tunnels Author(s): P. Bernardi, R. Cerioni, E. Michelini, M. Migliazza |
Pages: 773 - 783 |
Performance enhancement of TC frames under cyclic loading using rural fibre composites Author(s): M. Sivaraja, S. Kandasamy |
Pages: 785 - 792 |
A study of the flexural behaviour of glass fibre reinforced self compacting concrete Author(s): T. Suresh Babu, M.V. Seshagiri Rao, D. Rama Seshu |
Pages: 793 - 802 |
Ductibility of glass fibre reinforced gypsum wall panels subjected to cyclic (reversed) loading Author(s): M. Janardhana, A. Meher Prasad, D. Menon |
Pages: 803 - 812 |
Structural behavior of glass fiber reinforced gypsum walls Author(s): Y.-F. Wu |
Pages: 813 - 829 |
Glass fiber reinforced gypsum panel for faster construction and environmental protection Author(s): P.K. Gopinathan, P. Dinakar |
Pages: 831 - 840 |
Design of axially loaded concrete filled glass fiber reinforced gypsum wall panels Author(s): R.L. Sreenivasa, D. Menon, A. Meher Prasad |
Pages: 841 - 848 |
Macro model of fiber plasterboard filled with reinforced concrete Author(s): J.-W. Yue, D.-T. Wang, Y.-W. Peng |
Pages: 849 - 858 |
Experimental study of reinforced concrete beams and slabs with and without fibers Author(s): D.L. Venkatesh Babu, A. Sudhahar, V. Nithya, S. Boopathy Raja |
Pages: 859 - 865 |
Significance of polyester fibers on the flexural strength of ferrocement hollow floor slabs Author(s): D. Shoba Rajkumar, R. Sundararajan |
Pages: 867 - 876 |
Shear strength of partially prestressed fibre reinforced concrete beams Author(s): N.A. Lloyd, I.J. Chandler |
Pages: 877 - 886 |
Steel fibre concrete as an alternative for traditional shear reinforcement in pretensioned concrete beams Author(s): P. De Pauw, L. Taerwe, N. van den Buverie, W. Moerman |
Pages: 887 - 898 |
Post-tensioned SFRC beams Author(s): M. di Prisco, D. Dozio |
Pages: 899 - 909 |
Punching shear response in fiber reinforced bridge decks Author(s): A. Grimaldi, A. Meda, Z. Rinaldi |
Pages: 911 - 920 |
Bearing capacity of SFRC flat slabs with openings in the column area: Experimental and numerical investigation Author(s): J. Michels, D. Waldmann, S. Maas, A. Zürbes |
Pages: 921 - 930 |
Punching shear strength and deformation capacity of fiber reinforced concrete slab-column connections under earthquake-type loading Author(s): G.J. Parra-Montesinos, M.-Y. Cheng, C.K. Shield |
Pages: 931 - 940 |
Free suspended elevated slabs of steel fiber reinforced concrete: Full scale test results and design Author(s): X. Destrée |
Pages: 941 - 950 |
Design of bridge parapets in high and ultra high performance fibre reinforced concretes Author(s): J.-P. Charron, E. Niamba, B. Massicotte |
Pages: 951 - 960 |
Pull-out behavior of anchor bolt embedded in high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composite Author(s): T. Kikuta, H. Mihashi, C. Donguk, N. Ishikawa |
Pages: 961 - 968 |
Seismic retrofitting of rectangular bridge piers with UHPFRC jackets Author(s): B. Massicotte, G. Boucher-Proulx |
Pages: 969 - 975 |
Seismic strengthening of existing structures by means of fibre reinforced concrete floor diaphragms Author(s): A. Marini, C. Zanotti, G. Plizzari |
Pages: 977 - 987 |
Evaluation of the test method for crushing strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete pipes Author(s): A.D. de Figueiredo |
Pages: 989 - 1000 |
Performance of passive-vibation-control panel for wooden frame made of DFRCC thin board Author(s): K. Yamada, I. Sasaki, S. Ishiyama |
Pages: 1001 - 1006 |
Performance classes for steel fibre reinforced concrete: Be critical Author(s): A.N. Lambrechts |
Pages: 1007 - 1020 |
Combined reinforcement - Practical experiences Author(s): G. Vitt |
Pages: 1021 - 1028 |
Experimental study of the self-healing capability of fibre reinforced cementitious composites Author(s): D. Honma, H. Mihashi, T. Nishiwaki |
Pages: 1029 - 1038 |
Stress versus crack opening displacement response of FRC composites with different fibers Author(s): S. Suwannakarn, A.E. Namaan, S. El-Tawil |
Pages: 1039 - 1054 |
Experimental and analytical study of SFRC segmental tunnel linings in service conditions Author(s): C. Molins, O. Arnau |
Pages: 1055 - 1064 |
An experimental investigation of characteristic properties of hybrid fibre reinforced concrete subjected to elevated temperatures Author(s): K. Ravi, K.B. Prakash |
Pages: 1065 - 1070 |
Tensile performance of precracked SHCC after freeze-thaw cycles Author(s): K. Rokugo, M. Moriyama, H. Kato, S.-C. Lim |
Pages: 1071 - 1078 |
Evaluating uniaxial tensile behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete using a meso-scale model Author(s): F. Laranjeira, A. Aguado, C. Molins |
Pages: 1079 - 1088 |
Investigations on the lead - steel hybrid fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): B.H. Bharatkumar, V. Udhayakumar, K. Balasubramanian, T.S. Krishnamoorthy, N. Lakshmanan, A. Sharma, G.R. Reddy |
Pages: 1089 - 1097 |
Fatigue studies on hybrid steel fiber reinforced concrete for rigid pavements Author(s): A. Chandrashekhar, A.U. Ravi Shankar |
Pages: 1099 - 1107 |
Effect of heat on the structural characteristics and water absorption behaviour of hemp fibers Author(s): D. Saika |
Pages: 1109 - 1118 |
Behaviour of RC beams with continuous inclined reinforcement under reverse cyclic Author(s): N. Lakshmanan, B.H. Bharatkumar, V. Udhayakumar, K. Balasubramanian, T.S. Krishnamoorthy, C. Rajagopal, G.K. Mishra |
Pages: 1119 - 1136 |
Residual comprehensive strength of SCC with polypropylene fibres under elevated temperature Author(s): H. Narendra, K.U. Muthu, I. Azmi, M. Hashem |
Pages: 1137 - 1142 |
Enhancing structural ductility and performance in hybrid reinforced concrete composites Author(s): V.S. Gopalaratnam |
Pages: 1143 - 1146 |
On the distribution of fibers in self compacing concrete Author(s): P.N.D. Tanikella, R. Gettu |
Pages: 1147 - 1153 |