Development of parallel plate-based measuring system for the contec viscometer
Author(s): J.E. Wallevik
Paper category: Symposium
Book title: 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as Fresh Concrete
Editor(s): O.H. Wallevik, S. Kubens, S. Oesterheld
ISBN: 978-2-35158-091-2
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-092-9
Pages: 18 - 24
Total Pages: 7
Language: English
The purpose of the ConTec viscometers is to retrieve information about the rheological properties of the cement based material in terms of fundamental physical quantities. Assuming Bingham behavior, this means retrieving the yield stress and plastic viscosity. In particular, the ConTec BML Viscometer 3 and its successor, namely the ConTec Viscometer 5, are designed to measure such properties of the fresh concrete, with maximum aggregate size up to about 22 mm in diameter.
The aim of the current work is to report an ongoing development of a new viscometric system for the ConTec Viscometer 5, which is in part based on the parallel plate system. The purpose of this new system is to be able to measure the rheological properties of the fresh concrete with larger aggregate size, or up to 32 mm (or even more), without having to increasing the quantity of the test sample too much. The current article reports the ongoing development of this device, named here the "Coplate 5".
Online publication: 2009
Publication Type: full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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