Robustness of very low binder, self compacting concrete: ECO-SCC
Author(s): F.V. Mueller, O.H. Wallevik
Paper category: Symposium
Book title: 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as Fresh Concrete
Editor(s): O.H. Wallevik, S. Kubens, S. Oesterheld
ISBN: 978-2-35158-091-2
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-092-9
Pages: 121 - 132
Total Pages: 12
Language: English
This paper evaluates the robustness of fresh concrete in respect to variation of water content and SP content. The main emphasis is on rheological response, but some hardened concrete properties are included in the investigation. Based on one reference mix, the water content is varied by ± 5 1/m³ and ± 10 1/m³, whereas the SP content is varied by ± 10% and ± 20%. Generally the mixes showed a systematic response to the varied mix-design parameter. Only in one case, when increasing water content by some 10 1/m³, the mix revealed a certain risk of segregation but not to a great extent. Only in two extreme cases, the mixes reveal semi-SCC properties, e.g. some energy might be required for full consolidation. The variation of the PCE based SP does not reveal significant effect on hydration process and no significant retardation was observed, which leads to similar early strength.
Online publication: 2009
Publication Type: full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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