Experimental and literature study of the critical chloride content in reinforced concrete
Title: Experimental and literature study of the critical chloride content in reinforced concrete
Author(s): U. Angst
Paper category : conference
Book title: 3rd International PhD Workshop on Modelling the Durability of Reinforced Concrete
Editor(s): R. M. Ferreira, J. Gulikers, C. Andrade
Print-ISBN: 978-2-35158-095-0
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-094-3
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Publication year: 2010
Pages: 35 - 40
Total Pages: 6
Nb references: 11
Language: English
Abstract: The knowledge of the critical chloride content for reinforcement corrosion in concrete is important for service life predictions and service life design. A lot of research has been devoted to finding such values. The reported results, however, scatter over several orders of magnitude. This is mainly owing to the variety of experimental setups used; at present, no standardised or accepted testing method exists. The present project aims at measuring the critical chloride content based on both free and total chloride contents. Emphasis is put on realistic conditions, especially regarding sample preparation (rebar and concrete characteristics) and chloride penetration. In order to measure the chloride ion activity in the pore solution, embedded ion selective electrodes (ISE) are used. The current contribution discusses the need for a practice-related test method for the critical chloride content and presents the reasons for selecting a certain experimental setup.
Online publication: 2010-02-22
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
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