
Report rep023 : Self-Compacting Concrete - State-of-the-Art Report of RILEM TC 174-SCC

Title: Self-Compacting Concrete - State-of-the-Art Report of RILEM TC 174-SCC
Edited by Å. Skarendahl and Ö Petersson
ISBN: 2-912143-23-3
e-ISBN: 2-912143-59-4
Pages: 168
Publication date: 2000

RILEM Technical Committee TC 174 Self-Compacting Concrete started its work in 1997. The objectives of the work were to gather, analyse and present the state-of-the-art of the emerging technology of self-compacting concrete, as well as to look for unified views on testing and evaluation. 17 full members and 3 corresponding members covering 10 countries on 4 continents have taken part in the work. A major activity of the committee was to organise the First International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, which was held in Stockholm in September 1999. The full members of the committee acted as the symposium scientific committee. (RILEM Proceedings PRO 7, Self-Compacting Concrete, Edited by Å. Skarendahl and Ö. Petersson, Published by RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 1999, 786 pages, ISBN 2-912143-09-8).
This present report is the final report of the committee. The report aims to give a synthesised description of the state-of-the-art of the technology and to inform on relevant testing methods. In this early stage of development of the technology, the committee has found it advisable to introduce the technology, to inform on new knowledge generated and to describe the options available, rather then to give specific recommendations on methods or procedures.
Committee members, as indicated in the report, have written the background documents for the different chapters. The committee members have reviewed and commented these background documents to achieve a consensus view ahead of the final editing. It is the hope of this RILEM committee that the report will offer a good base for further studies into this new, fascinating and valuable technology.


Author(s): Å. Skarendahl
Pages: IX - iX

Author(s): Å. Skarendahl
Pages: XI - XI

Author(s): Å. Skarendahl
Pages: 3 - 5

Part II - Development objectives
Author(s): Å. Skarendahl
Pages: 9 - 13

Part III - Fresh concrete properties
Author(s): S. Tangtermsirikul, K. Kamal
Pages: 17 - 22

Part IV - Testing of fresh concrete
Author(s): K. Takada, S. Tangtermsirikul
Pages: 25 - 39

Part V - Early age and hardened properties
Author(s): Å. Skarendahl
Pages: 43 - 46

Part VI - Mix design
Author(s): P. Domone
Pages: 49 - 65

Part VII - Mixing
Author(s): Ö. Petersson
Pages: 69 - 76

Part VIII - Placement
Author(s): K. Takada
Pages: 79 - 87

Part IX - Environment
Author(s): Å. Skarendahl
Pages: 91 - 92

Part X - Applications
Author(s): Ö. Petersson
Pages: 95 - 110

Part XI - Future work
Author(s): Å. Skarendahl
Pages: 113 - 114

Part XII - Test method description
Author(s): K. Takada
Pages: 117 - 141

Part XIII - References
Author(s): K. Takada
Pages: 145 - 152