
Report rep034 : Tension of Reinforced Concrete Prisms - Round Robin Analysis and tests on Bond - Report of RILEM TC 147-FMB

Title: Tension of Reinforced Concrete Prisms - Round Robin Analysis and tests on Bond - Report of RILEM TC 147-FMB
Edited by L. Elfgren and K. Noghabai
ISBN: None
e-ISBN: 2912143918
Pages: 158
Publication date: 2001

In this report, results are presented from a Round Robin investigation of the bond between reinforcement bars and concrete, which has been cast in rectangular prisms, i.e. tie elements.

The investigation has been carried out by RILEM Technical Cornmittee 147-FMB, Fracture Mechanics to Anchorage and Bond.
The committee was formed in 1991 with the main aims as follows:
- Apply fracture mechanics methods to anchorage and bond problems in concrete structures
- Evaluate different analytical models and compare them to test results
- Propose methods suitable as a basis for design

To chair the committee, RILEM appointed professor Lennart Elfgren, Division of Structural Engineering, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. As secretary, the committee chose Dr Keivan Noghabai, then a PhD candidate and now an associate professor in Lulea.
The committee first met on May 10th 1993 at the "Institut für Werkstoffe im Bauwesen", IWB, University of Stuttgart. The following meetings took place at the "Eidgenössische Technishe Hochschule", ETH, in Zurich, on July 26th 1995; at the "Bundesministenum fur Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Stadtebau" in Berlin, on September 9th, 1995; and at the RlLEM Headquarters in Cachan, Paris, on May 28th, 1996. Finally the committee had an informal meeting at the University of Gifu on October 12th, 1998. This meeting was held in connection with the third conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete, Framcos-3. A summary paper and a preliminary version of this report were presented at that occasion (Tension of Reinforced Concrete Prisms. Round Robin Analysis and Tests on Bond, Preliminary Report, Div. of Structural Engineering, Lulea Univ. of Technology, September 1998,221 pp.)
The following persons have participated in the Round Robin Investigation andor in the discussions during the meetings andtor between them: Mr Samer Al-Fayadh, Dr Marco Arduini, Prof. Gyorgy L. Balasz, Prof. Nenad Bicanic, Dr Agnieszka Bigaj, Dr. Jean Luc Clemant, Prof Ange10 di Tommaso, Prof. Manuel Elices, Prof. Rolf Eligehausen, Prof. Björn Engstrom, Prof. Kent Gylltoft, Dr Hiroshi Hikosaka, Prof. em. Arne Hillerborg, Prof. Tony Ingraffea, Dr Yuqing Liu, Dr Jonas Magnusson, Dr Utz Mayer, Prof. Jacky Mazars, Prof. Steven McCabe, Ass. prof. Ulf Ohlsson, Prof. Jaime Planas, Prof Giovanni Plizzari, Dr Dave Phillips, Prof. Keitetsu Rokugo, Prof. Salvatore Russo, Prof. Shigehiko Saito, Mr Francisco J. Sanchez, Prof. Jan G. Rots, Dr Thomas Sippel, Dr Bahaa Tork, Prof. Yuichi Uchida, Ir Joop den Uijl, and Prof. Silvio Valente.

The committee has collaborated and exchanged information with the fib (féderation internationale du béton) Task Group Bond Models (former CEB Task Group 2.5) chaired by professor Ralejs Tepfers, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden.
With this updated version of the report, the main aims of the committee have been fulfilled.
The report concludes the mission of TC 147-FMB and all persons who have contributed to the work of the committee are thanked.


Author(s): L. Elfgren, K. Noghabai
Pages: III - III

Round Robin Analysis and Tests on Bond - Invitation
Author(s): RILEM TC
Pages: VI - VI

Bond properties of reinforcement bars embedded in concrete tie elements
Author(s): L. Elfgren, K. Noghabai
Pages: 1 - 19

Cracking Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Tensile Members
Author(s): S. Al-Fayadh, B. Engström, J. Magnusson
Pages: 1-1 - 1-121

Bond in RC Member Ties with Composite and Stainless Steel Bars
Author(s): M. Arduini
Pages: 2-1 - 2-14

Cracking Behaviour of RC Tensile Member Simulated with Confinement Based Bond Model
Author(s): A. B. Van Vliet
Pages: 3-1 - 3-12

Report of RILEM TC 147-FMB "Round Robin Analysis and Tests on Bond"
Author(s): R. Eligehausen, A. Bigaj, U. Mayer, F. J. Sanchez
Pages: 4-1 - 4-26

Round Robin Analysis on Bond
Author(s): H. Hikosaka, Y. Liu, S. Saito
Pages: 5-1 - 5-10

Summary Results of RILEM TC 147-FMB Round Robin Investigation on Bond in Luled
Author(s): K. Noghabai
Pages: 6-1 - 6-12

Experimental Results of the Round Robin Analysis and Test on Bond
Author(s): B. Tork, J. Galvez, J. Planas, M. Elices
Pages: 7-1 - 7-23