Over 200 RILEM Technical Recommendations have been produced by RILEM Technical Committees. Many of these recommendations have been adopted in research and practice, and are used by international standardisation bodies, as a basis for their work.
All RILEM recommendations reflect the state-of-the-art at the time of publishing. Note that these documents may be superseded later by more recent recommendations.
Technical Committees Recommendations published by Springer from January 2006 until now
Recommendation of RILEM TC 309-MCP on terminology for mineral carbonation construction products, February 2025
Recommendation of RILEM TC 289-DCM: Guideline for designing and operating long-term marine exposure sites, March 2024
Recommendation of RILEM TC 256-SPF on the method of testing concrete spalling due to fire: material screening test, October 2023
Recommendation of RILEM TC 264-RAP on the evaluation of asphalt recycling agents for hot mix asphalt, January 2022
Recommendation of RILEM TC 258-AAA: RILEM AAR-8: determination of potential releasable alkalis by aggregates in concrete, October 2021
Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB on fragmentation test for recycled asphalt, July 2019
Recommendation of RILEM TC 249-ISC on non destructive in situ strength assessment of concrete, June 2019
Recommendation of RILEM TC 243-SGM: functional requirements for surface repair mortars for historic buildings, February 2019
Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB on affinity between aggregates and bituminous binders, December 2018
Recommendation of RILEM TC 238-SCM on hydration stoppage by solvent exchange for the study of hydrate assemblages, December 2018
Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB: protocol for characterization of recycled asphalt (RA) materials for pavement applications, October 2018
Recommendation of RILEM TC 260-RSC on Using Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) to mitigate autogenous shrinkage, October 2018
Recommendation of RILEM TC 260-RSC on Testing sorption by superabsorbent polymers (SAP) prior to implementation in cement-based materials, September 2018
Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB on Cohesion Test of Recycled Asphalt, September 2018
Recommendation of RILEM TC 241-MCD on interface debonding testing in pavements, July 2018
Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB on complex Poisson?s ratio characterization of bituminous mixtures, February 2017
Recommendation of RILEM TC 232-TDT: test methods and design of textile reinforced concrete, May 2016
Technical Committees Recommendations published by RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. between January 1996 to December 2005
Recommendations of RILEM TC 139-DBS: Durability of Building Sealants Durability test method - Determination of changes in adhesion, cohesion and appearance of elastic weatherproofing sealants for high movement façade joints after exposure to artificial weathering
Title: Recommendations of RILEM TC 139-DBS: Durability of Building Sealants
Durability test method - Determination of changes in adhesion, cohesion and appearance of elastic weatherproofing sealants for high movement façade joints after exposure to artificial weathering
Author(s): RILEM TC 139-DBS
Paper category : journal
Serial title: Materials and Structures
Abreviated Serial title: Mater. Struct.
ISSN: 1359-5997
Publisher: RILEM Publications SARL
Volume: 34
Issue: 244
Issue date: 2001-12-01
Publication year: 2001
Pages: 579 - 588
Total Pages: 10
Language: English
Weatherproofing joint seals in light-weight building
façades (curtain-wall cladding)are exposed to frequent
cyclic movements.This joint movement imposes cyclic
mechanical strain on the seal,which,depending on the
exposure conditions and the construction design,can
vary substantially in rate and amplitude.The joint seals
are subjected to movement immediately after installation
and are therefore exposed to continuous cyclic move -
ment during their curing period.During cure,the rheo-
logical characteristics of cured-in-place sealants gradually
change from being viscous,semi-fluid materials to non-
flowable elastomers and most sealants,in particular one-
component products,can take a considerable time (over
four weeks)to cure.Continuous building movement
coupled with slow sealant curing time can lead to per-
manent and detrimental changes in sealant bead geome-
try and performance characteristics.
During their entire service life,joint seals are
exposed to cyclic mechanical strain and environmental
degradation factors.Cyclic joint movement,sunlight,
temperature variations (heat,cold)and moisture (water)
are considered to be the primary environmental and ser-
vice degradation factors leading to sealed joint failure.
This technical recommendation provides a framework
for assessing the effects of cyclic movement and weathering
in a laboratory-based procedure.While default values for
the test parameters are provided in the test method,test
conditions can be adapted by the experimenter to better
reproduce local climatic or service conditions.
Online publication: 2001-10-27
Classification: RILEM Technical Committees
Publication type : full_text
Public price (Euros): 0.00
doi: 10.1617/13782
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