East Asia

Region  East Asia is composed of the following countries: 

  • Japan
  • Korea, Dem. Rep. (North)
  • Korea, Rep. (South)
  • Brunei
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Timor (East-) 

Information concerning the activities within the region or suggestions to further develop the RILEM activities in the region can be addressed to the Regional Convener: Guoqing GENG (contact email


JPN-RILEM, established in 2016

The Japanese National group was officially created in Lyngby although Japan has a long-time experience with national RILEM meetings, dating back already before the RILEM Annual Week organized in Japan in 2004. 


The National Presidium of JPN-RILEM


  • MIDORIKAWA Mitsumasa, Building Research Institute, Japan (An Institutional Member of RILEM) 


  • NOGUCHI Takafumi, Professor of Graduate School, University of Tokyo (A Senior Member of RILEM) 
  • NAKARAI Kenichiro, Professor of Graduate School, University of HIroshima (A Senior Member of RILEM) 
  • WAKIYAMA Yoshio, Appointed by the Designated Contact of National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (An Institutional Member of RILEM) 

General Secretary

  • Takao SAWACHI, Building Research Institute, Japan (An Institutional Member of RILEM)

Contact Detail of the Secretariat of JPN-RILEM

  • Masashi MORI
    Coordinator for International Research Cooperation
    Building Research Institute, Japan
    1 Tachihara, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0802, Japan
    Phone : +81-29-879-0631
    Fax : +81-29-864-2989
    E-mail: bri@kenken.go.jp


The Japanese National Group of RILEM



(19 October 2016)




Under the prescriptions of the Article 5 of Statute of RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) it is conformed a "The Japanese National Group of RILEM", or in abbreviated form "JPN-RILEM".


Art. 2

JPN-RILEM is a Group consisted of RILEM members that work inside RILEM organization and in the frame of its Statutes. In this way JPN-RILEM activities are regulated by RILEM Statutes and by the following prescriptions.

JPN-RILEM accepts the following One (1) language in its inner communications: Japanese.

Official communication between JPN-RILEM and RILEM will be in English.

All members and activities of JPN-RILEM should obey the laws and regulations in Japan.


Art. 3

The Secretariat of JPN-RILEM has a fixed address where the General Secretary of the Group designates and where the Archives shall be.


Art. 4

The purpose of JPN-RILEM is naturally the same of RILEM: to advance scientific knowledge related to construction materials, systems and structures and to encourage transfer and application of this knowledge in Japan.

This is achieved through collaboration of leading experts in construction practice and science including academics, researchers, testing laboratories and authorities.

The main goals of JPN-RILEM are:

  1. To promote RILEM knowledge flowing with Japan and vice versa,
  2. To promote sustainable and safe construction, and improved performance and cost benefit for society,
  3. To stimulate new directions of research and its applications, promoting excellence in construction,
  4. To favour and promote cooperation at Japan scale by general access to advanced Knowledge,
  5. To ensure the dissemination of actual technical knowledge among people devoted to design, construction and maintenance of constructions.

Some ways to reach these targets are:

  1. Organizing conferences and seminars,
  2. Links with academics, universities, research institutes, industries and related authorities to promote the use of advanced knowledge,
  3. Other tasks needed to reach these targets.


Art. 5

RILEM members who make Japan a base for their activities can be members of JPN-RILEM.

RILEM members of any country can be Visiting members of JPN-RILEM as decided by the National Presidium. They do not have the right to vote in the National Assembly.


Art. 6

The internal organs of JPN-RILEM shall be:

. The National Assembly;

. The National Presidium;

. The National Secretariat.


Art. 7

The National Assembly is the principal organ of the JPN-RILEM.

Art. 8

Membership. The National Assembly is composed of all JPN-RILEM members.

Art. 9

Presidency. The National Assembly shall elect the President and the Vice-Presidents from JPN-RILEM members excluding Visiting members. The President is the representative of JPN-RILEM in RILEM Organization.

The President and the Vice-Presidents are elected for three (3) years. President is reeligible for two times, and Vice Presidents are re-eligible for three times.

The President during the tenure of his presidency is chairman at meetings of the National Assembly and the National Presidium.

The Vice-Presidents assist the President. In case of an accident happening to the President, or his/her absence, the Vice-President who shall be elected from among the Vice-Presidents by mutual election, replaces the President.

Art. 10

Meetings of the National Assembly. The National Assembly meets once a year in Japan.


Art. 11

Composition. The National Presidium shall be composed of the President, the Vice-Presidents and the General Secretary.

Meeting of the National Presidium will be organized as needed.

Candidates for President and Vice-Presidents are proposed by The National Presidium.

Art. 12

Tasks. The National Presidium shall exercise control of day-to-day affairs of JPN-RILEM and shall ensure that the statutes are observed.

Art. 13

Duty. The National Presidium shall endeavor to promote JPN-RILEM.


Art. 14

Tasks. The National Secretariat, led by the General Secretary, shall be the executive organ of the National Assembly and the National Presidium.

There shall be a direct link between National and General Secretariat to ensure a good and efficient administrative development.

Art. 15

General Secretary. The General Secretary shall be proposed by the President and elected by the National Assembly. The General Secretary is indefinitely re-eligible.

The General Secretary, under the President?s direction, controls affairs of the National Secretariat.


Art. 16

A candidate for the National Convener, who endeavors to allow smooth information exchange between JPN-RILEM and RILEM conforming to mission and assignments prescribed in BUR-N237, shall be elected by the National Assembly from JPN-RILEM members excluding Visiting members.


Art. 17.

Amendments to the present National Statutes shall be proposed by the National Assembly and decided by RILEM General Council. A 2/3rds majority vote is required.


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Japan National Group

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