RILEM is pleased to share the interview with the 2024 Colonnetti Medallists: Dr Rob Wolfs and Prof. Zhenming Li. The award ceremony and the lectures of the medallists will take place at the upcoming RILEM Spring Convention, in Milan, Italy, on 10 April 2024.
RILEM is happy to co-sponsor the “Congreso C2, Cemento y Concreto Verde 2050” (C2 Conference, Green Cement and Concrete 2050), organised by the RILEM partner FICEM, which will be held in Ciudad de Guatemala, on 6-9 May 2024. This event promotes the strategies and good practices of the cement and concrete industry in the Latin American region to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Did you know that...
… you can download a comprehensive RILEM presentation by just clicking on this link? The slides are regularly updated with the information about the new RILEM Technical Committees and other initiatives. An 8-min video presentation is also available on the RILEM YouTube channel!
Technology of Construction Materials: Research Assistant at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM). More info here.