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Interview with 2024 RILEM Colonnetti Medallist, Dr Rob Wolfs

25 March 2024 Association
Viewed 511 times


Dr Rob Wolfs is Assistant Professor in the Built Environment Department of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands. He was member of the RILEM Technical Committee (TC) 276-DFC “Digital fabrication with cement-based materials”, and co-author of the STAR produced by this TC. He is currently a TC member of 303-PFC “Performance requirements and testing of fresh printable cement-based materials”, 304-ADC “Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials and Structures” and DCS “Data-driven concrete science”. Dr Wolfs received this medal for his high-level scientific research achievements in the field of novel digital technologies to design structures with higher efficiency and lower environmental impact. Dr Wolfs will be a key-note speaker at the 2024 RILEM Spring Convention, in Milan, Italy, presenting “The status quo of 3D concrete printing: are we there yet?”.

This interview took place on 18 March 2024. Click on the symbol below to read it.


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